Wednesday 26 February 2014

Institution Research (production companies)

This production company films animations, whilst they still film 12A (which is the rating of our trailer) they only film animations and our trailer is a horror. Dreamworks has had problems with another comapny, Disney. Dreamworks most successful film is Shrek which classification is a U.

Working Title
This is a UK production company however it is owned by a compny in the USA. This is ideal as we plan to film it in the UK. It also produces 12A and 15 and all ranges of genre.

Walt Disney
This production company in my opinion is the most well known company. They produce
animations and films with the ratings of mainly Us and PGs. In this case I don't think this company would be good for our trailer as they only produce animations and young peoples films with low ratings.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Schedule (plan)

Location- Hannahs house
Actresses- Hannah T, Hannah A, Isabelle and Taylor.

Caption; "shes round for a sleepover"
a clip of of them both having a good time.
"But they are are they alone?"
a clip of the character(possesed girl) comes in when they are asleep


"It's coming!"

Actresses        Costumes
Hannah T       normal clothes
Hannah A       normal clothes
Isabelle            black cape

from youtube-

Friday 14 February 2014

Moodboard for our trailer

This is a visible image of my target audience and it represents what they like and are intrested in. So for example the audience could be a girl or a boy and is intrested in horror movies which is shown by the scary picture on the moodboard. Also they are intrested in social media which is shown by the logos for: facbook, instagram and twitter. This aslo represents how our target audience likes going out to places liketheme parks and shopping centres. All these things show how and why our target audience are into the film, film trailer we are making our target audience is mid teen about the age of 13/16.

Tuesday 4 February 2014


Representation is how something is put across and presented.
In our trailer we have a group of girls and they are going to be the typical screaming, girly girls. They will wear normal casual clothes. They live right near the park (Poverest) and they wont have any props as they are just going to the park having fun. They are just a group of girls mucking about and screaming. Once the disaster happens they scream and shout louder and run like girly girls. The murderer/ bad character is wearing all black clothes with a black cape and a mask.